
Exam 9

 Technology today is growing in an alarming rate. Things that seemed impossible only a few years ago are now reality. Cloning has been one of the greatest leaps in technology that man has ever dreamed of.

Cloning is the process of creating a copy of a plant or animal that is genetically identical to the original. It started

thousands of years ago with farmers cloning plants. They wanted to produce a greater number of a specific plant

with faster growth, larger seeds and sweeter fruits.

Cloning had a long history. In 1952, the first successful cloning experiment took place. Scientists Robert Briggs

and Thomas King from the UK successfully cloned a frog.

With the recent cloning of a sheep named «Dolly” in 1996 in Scotland, the world is worried because scientists

began to about cloning humans.

Cloning should be stopped because it would create many different problems such as: it destroys individuality and

uniqueness will cause over population.

1 PART ONE (14pts)
2 Reading Comprehension (7pts)
Activity 1* (3pts)
Exam 9 - مراقبات

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Match dates with events: 

dates events


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A/Find in the text words that are synonyms in meaning to:  


B/Find in the text words that are opposites in meaning to: 



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Subject pronoun

Superlative Demonstrative pronoun Preposition  Regular verb irregular verb Adjective Ordinal number


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Write the correct form of the verbs.

 The history of cloning (be/not) recent. It (goes) back to thousands of years ago. The possibility of human cloning (appear) when Dolly (be) cloned in 1996.

Scientists must (to stop) cloning because it (be) against religious and moral beliefs

  •  The history of cloning recent. It  back to thousands of years ago. The possibility of human cloning (appear)when Dolly  cloned in 1996.

 Scientists must  cloning because it  against religious and moral beliefs

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 /  i:  /    feel         / æ /car


Exam 9 - مراقبات
مجموع نقطي في التمارين : ‎ None نقطة

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قم بالدخول للإطلاع على المزيد من المحتوى

لتتمكن من الوصول إلى جميع الدروس والتمارين والمسابقات والفيديوهات وتصفح الموقع براحة قم بالدخول أو بتسجيل حساب مجانا.

قم بالدخول للإطلاع على المزيد من المحتوى

لتتمكن من الوصول إلى جميع الدروس والتمارين والمسابقات والفيديوهات وتصفح الموقع براحة قم بالدخول أو بتسجيل حساب مجانا.