
BEM 2008

I BEM 2008

     Nobody could believe it, but it happened! The Titatanic which was the largest ship ever built, sank a few hours after hitting an iceberg.

     The tragedy happened in 1912, on its first trip across the Atlantic Ocean. The Titanic was travelling from Southampton to New York with 2201 people on board. Only 711 of them could be saved buy the Carpathia, a ship which was sailing some miles away, while 1490 people lost their lives in the accident.

       Too many people died because there were not enough lifeboats for all of them and the crew was not prepared for such a catastrophe; they thought that the ship was safe in any difficult condition and could not sink. Also many passengers were sleeping and were not dressed warmly enough to survive in the very cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

        New safety measures were taken after this accident and now ships carry enough lifeboats livevests and survival kits for all the people on board and the crew is well trained for emergency situations.

Adapted from various sources.



A Part one: (14pts)
A/ Reading comprehension (7pts)
Read the text carefully and do the following activities:

Choisir la réponse correcte de la liste

Ton Score

Answer the following questions.


Did the Titanic reach its destination?


Could all the passengers get into the lifeboats?


Are ships safe nowdays?


Remplir le tableau

Ton Score

Complete the table with information from the text.


Number of survivors
Number of the dead
Number of passengers and crew members
The year the Titanic sank

Associer par un trait

Ton Score

Match each word with its appropriate meaning

Doesn't supported
  • ship

  • passengers

  • crew

  • carry

  • Means of transport used to travel across water


  • People travelling in plane, boat, train….


  • People working on a ship (or a plane)

  • Take people or things from one place to another

B/ Mastery of language (7pts)
Activity 1: (2pts)
BEM 2008 - مراقبات

Cliquer et glisser les réponses dans les cases correspondantes parmi les mots possibles ci-dessous

Ton Score

Fill in the gaps with the suitable words. Choose from the following list:

                                    so – until – but – because.


We usually travel by train Yesterday we missed it  We didn’t get up

early we had to take a taxi.



Remplir le tableau

Ton Score

Find in the text four words that have the following sounds:

/ai/ (five) /i/ (sit)
B Part two: (6pts)
Written expression
BEM 2008 - مراقبات
مجموع نقطي في التمارين : ‎ None نقطة

المراتب الخمس الأولى في التمارين

  • مندر مفتاح
  • 16 نقطة
  • نسرين مريم
  • 10 نقطة
  • نور الاسلام منصور
  • 10 نقطة
  • zaineb salsabil lamari
  • 10 نقطة
  • Mohcine Zahra
  • 7 نقطة

قم بالدخول للإطلاع على المزيد من المحتوى

لتتمكن من الوصول إلى جميع الدروس والتمارين والمسابقات والفيديوهات وتصفح الموقع براحة قم بالدخول أو بتسجيل حساب مجانا.

قم بالدخول للإطلاع على المزيد من المحتوى

لتتمكن من الوصول إلى جميع الدروس والتمارين والمسابقات والفيديوهات وتصفح الموقع براحة قم بالدخول أو بتسجيل حساب مجانا.