Using “can”, “could”, “be able to”
Remplir les vides
Complete the sentences using the correct forms of “can” “be able to” “may”.
- When the fog lifts we to see where we are.
- The swimmer was very tired, but he reach the shore.
- You’ve put too much in your bags, You never carry it.
- We would better be early there be a crowd.
- Candidates bring text books into the examination room.
- He come to see you if he is free.
- I stand on my head when I was a child. I do it now.
- I haven’t done well in my exam. I pass.
- I was feeling sick yesterday, I eat anything.
- I’m afraid. I come the party next week.
Remplir les vides
Complete with can/can’t / may/may not.
- The dogbe dangerous.
- Webe at home in 5 minutes. It’s too late.
- Hecome with us tomorrow. He is ill.
- There isn’t water in the pool, so weswim.
- You cross the street here. There are too cars.
- My grandmother travel alone.
- She will take her umbrella as itrain heavily there.
- We be able to travel by car. It’s too far.
- He go to Spain on vacation this year.
المراتب الخمس الأولى في التمارين
- Hadji Monsif
- 0 نقطة
- nour nahawa
- 0 نقطة