Expressing agreement
Choisir la réponse correcte de la liste
Choose the right answer.
- I can’t swim.****
- I love going to the cinema.****
- I haven’t got a dog.****
- I enjoyed the concert.****
- I want go shopping.****
- I’m really tired.****
- I’ve got three sisters.****
- I can drive a car.****
Choisir la réponse correcte de la liste
Find the mistake in the answer and correct it.
- I don’t like eggs.****
- I’m feeling tired.****
- They won’t go camping.****
- Maria is not a noisy pupil.****
- I was sick yesterday.****
- I haven’t spoken to John yet.****
Remplir les vides
Give a response of agreement to each example:
Positive statements :
I like fish.
I can swim.
I am Algerian.
I will go to Istanbul next summer.
Negative statements :
I don’t enjoy tennis.
I can’t speak Chinese.
I’m not from Adrar.
I won’t go to Jijel for vacation.
المراتب الخمس الأولى في التمارين
- نسرين خضراوي
- 0 نقطة