Modal Verbs
Choisir la réponse correcte de la liste
Complete with can or can‘t
- We **** print this document. The printer is not working.
- Penguins **** fly
- I **** drive a car. I got my driver’s licence two weeks ago.
- I think I **** meet you later. I will be free.
- You really **** cook. This is a terrible omelet !
Choisir la réponse correcte de la liste
Complete with may or may not
You **** eat that cake. It’s yours.
Pets are not allowed in this hotel but they **** be left in our special space.
Kids **** play with plastic bags. It’s dangerous !
Do you think he **** come to the party? I’m not sure if his father agreed.
You **** enter the building. You don’t have the permission.
Choisir la réponse correcte de la liste
Choose between might and might not
- Oussama hasn't called me. He **** have my number.
- Reda is not answering my messages. He **** have lost his phone.
- It **** snow today. I heard it in the weather forecast
- Don’t buy a new camera. You **** need it.
- Don’t throw the old TV away. Your father **** want to keep it.
- The police **** come if you keep making so much noise !
Choisir la réponse correcte de la liste
Choose between may and might
- They **** be out of the house. They aren't answering the phone
- Amina **** go to primary school. She's 6 years old now.
- Nabil **** be sick. He hasn’t come to school in a week.
- They **** go to the party since they have been invited.
- The children **** go play in the yard. I have cleaned it.
- You **** need to rent a car. I’m not sure if transportation is available in the mountains.
المراتب الخمس الأولى في التمارين
- أميمة بوجمعة جفال
- 8 نقطة
- bendimerad bouchra
- 5 نقطة
- أيمن بوزغلة
- 0 نقطة
- amel fezoui
- 0 نقطة
- Hadil Djaballah
- 0 نقطة