Reporting commands, Requests, Advice, Warnings and Suggestions
Michael Wayne Rosen (born 7 May 1946), is a broadcaster, children's novelist and poet and the author of 140 books.
“Grown-ups Say Things Like” Speak up Don't talk with your mouth full Don't stare Don't point Don't pick your nose Sit up Say please Less noise Shut the door behind you Don't drag your feet Haven't you got a hankie? Take your hands out of your pocket Pull your socks up Stand up straight Say thank you Don't interrupt No one thinks you're funny Take your elbows off the table Can't you make up your own mind about anything ?
to speak up = to talk loudly
to pick your nose = to scrape your nose with your fingernail
to stare = to look fixedly at somebody
to chivvy = to try to make someone do something more quickly, especially in an annoying way
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1. Is this poem for ****
2. The poem: ****
3. The poem is ****
When we give orders or instructions,we generally use the affirmative imperative form.
.Observe in the poem: " Speak up,"parents tell their kids
:Note how we report the affirmative imperative form
.Parents tell their kids to speak up
.More examples: "Shut the door behind you!" they tell them
They tell them to shut the door behind them.
When we talk about prohibitions, we generally use the negative imperative.
"Don't pick your nose!" parents tell their kids.
Note how we report the negative imperative:
They tell them not to pick their nose.
:More examples
"Don't stare!" they tell them → They tell them not to stare.
Keep in mind:
Direct speech |
Reported speech |
"Do it" he told me. Verb basis + complement |
He told me to do it. He told me +to + infinitive |
"Don't do it" he told me "Don't + infinitive + complement |
He told me not to do it. He told me + not + to do |
Today we tend to put a full stop at the end of a command .However, we can always use an exclamation for emphasis.
We report advice, requests and warnings in the same way as commands except for suggestions.
Function | Direct speech | Reported speech |
Advice |
"You ought to be patient," she advised me. Or "If I were you , I would be patient," she advised me. |
She advised me to be patient.
Requests |
"Could you explain to me your idea,please ? " I asked him. |
I asked him to explain to me his idea. |
Warnings |
"Don’t swim out too far,boys" she warned the boys. |
She warned the boys not to swim out too far. |
Suggestions |
" Let’s have a stroll in the park," she suggested. | She suggested having a stroll. |
Keep in mind:
Function | Direct speech | Reported speech |
Advice |
"Subject + ought to + base form," he advised me.
"If I were you, I would + base form," he advised me.
"You shouldn’t + base form," he advised me. |
He advised me + to + base form.
He advised me not to + base form. |
Requests |
"Can / could + you + base form ,please?" he asked me. "Would you mind + you + verb + ing? ‘ he asked me. |
He asked me to + base form. |
Warnings |
"Bare form+complement ! " he warned me.
"Don’t + base form + complement !" he warned me. |
He warned me to + base form + complement.
He warned me not to +base form + complement.
"Let ‘s + base form", he suggested. "How about + verb + ing… ?" he suggested |
He suggested + verb + ing. |
- إختبارات
- 10
- الأجوبة الصحيحة
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- مجموع النقاط
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