
Exam 2

1 Part one: Reading (15 points)

A boy, who jumped off the 14th floor of a building, was reported to have been forced to “practice suicide” routinely, besides suffering daily physical abuse. Reports claim he was also forced to eat dead bees, while his room in his home was apparently vandalized by his bullies shortly before he decided to leap to his death. §1

Reports citing those close to the dead boy have also said he was often coerced into handing over money to his perpetrators, forcing him to steal cash from his relatives when he ran out of his own savings.§2

Adding fuel to fire was the apparent negligence by the school, education board and local police in admitting the link between the boy’s death and the intense bullying he had allegedly been receiving.§3

The boy’s father had attempted to file complaints to local police on three occasions following his son’s death, only to be turned down each time. The school, meanwhile, conducted two surveys on all its students shortly after the boy’s death, but failed to reveal the entire report, burying accounts from students who pointed out that teachers turned a blind eye to the abuse taking place in their classrooms.§4

As the details of the case surfaced on Japanese media in recent weeks, it was greeted with a wave of criticism and commentary. Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto, a father of seven, had tears in his eyes when he talked about the case during a regular presser, saying he believed there should be more that educational administrations can do to prevent such cases.§5

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda also sent out a message during a TV program Monday, asking children to report to teachers or parents if they witnessed someone being bullied.§6

Comprehension and Interpretation. (08points)

Choisir la réponse correcte de la liste

Ton Score

Say if the statements are true or false.

  • a. A Japanese school boy killed himself.****
  • b. He had family problems.****
  • c. Teachers did not care about his case.****
  • d. The Japanese officials reacted thanks to the media.****
Activity 2
Exam 2 - مراقبات

Remplir les vides

Ton Score

Classify the ideas according to their occurrence in the text                                                             

  • a)The reaction of the Japanese media.
  • b)A boy 's violent death.
  • c)The Prime Minister's advice.
  • d)ill- treatment and abuse
  • e)A desperate father
  • f)The school and the police lack of endeavour
§1 §2 §3 §4 §5 §6


Activity 4
Exam 2 - مراقبات
2 Text Exploration (7pts)
Activity 5
Exam 2 - مراقبات

Remplir les vides

Ton Score

Divide the following words into affixes: 




prefix root suffix
Exemple: dis Obey


Activity 7
Exam 2 - مراقبات

Remplir les vides

Ton Score

Classify the words according to the pronunciation of their final's' 

Vandalizes- classrooms- complaints-perpetrators

/iz/ /s/ /z/
Activity 9
Exam 2 - مراقبات
Part two:
Exam 2 - مراقبات
مجموع نقطي في التمارين : ‎ None نقطة

المراتب الخمس الأولى في التمارين

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قم بالدخول للإطلاع على المزيد من المحتوى

لتتمكن من الوصول إلى جميع الدروس والتمارين والمسابقات والفيديوهات وتصفح الموقع براحة قم بالدخول أو بتسجيل حساب مجانا.

قم بالدخول للإطلاع على المزيد من المحتوى

لتتمكن من الوصول إلى جميع الدروس والتمارين والمسابقات والفيديوهات وتصفح الموقع براحة قم بالدخول أو بتسجيل حساب مجانا.