Talking About The Theme
Associer par un trait
Match words and definitions
to find out something that was unknown.
to live a situation or an event
to do a scientific test
to make or think of a new type of thing.
Cliquer et glisser les réponses dans les cases correspondantes parmi les mots possibles ci-dessous
Fill in the gaps with the words in the list
Unknown - discover - experience - invent - experiments
Scientists dedicate their lifetime to scientific research. They do not hesitate to doat the expense of their health. That was the case of Marie curie who wascontaminated by radium. They alsohardships in their private life. However, they continue making efforts tonew things or toscientific facts unknown to us.
Cliquer et glisser les réponses dans les cases correspondantes parmi les mots possibles ci-dessous
Choose the right word for each sentence:
- Shea tragic event in her life.
- Alexander Fleming penicillin by accident.
- They always new medicines on mice in laboratories.
- Astronauts have used newthat are then used in our daily life.
- NASA engineers have alwaystools and machines for space travel.
- When you have no solutions to a problem,you should ask for some
- إختبارات
- 9
- الأجوبة الصحيحة
- False
- الأجوبة الخاطئة
- False
- مجموع النقاط
- False
المراتب الخمس الأولى في Quiz
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المراتب الخمس الأولى في التمارين
- yasmina hadj iris
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- 0 نقطة
- 0 نقطة
- 0 نقطة