
Talking About The Theme

I Part 1: Reading

Read the text carefully, then do the activities

(§1)On March 24, 1989, shortly after midnight, the oil tanker Exxon Valdez struck Bligh Reef in Prince William Sound, Alaska, spilling more than 11 million gallons of crude oil. The spill was the largest in U.S history and tested the abilities of local, national and industrial organizations to prepare for and respond to a disaster of such magnitude. Many factors complicated the clean-up efforts following the spill. The size of the spill and its remote location, accessible only by helicopter and boat, made government and industry efforts difficult and tested existing plans for dealing with such an event.

(§2)The spill posed threats to delicate food chain that supports Prince William Sound’s commercial fishing industry. Also in danger were ten million migratory shore birds and waterfowl, hundreds of sea otters, dozens of other species such as harbor porpoises and sea lions and several varieties of whales.                                           

Adapted from US Environmental Protection Agency

Choose the right answer:

The text is about:

  1. An earthquake
  2. an ecological disaster 
  3. a social problem

The text is about an ecological disaster. (b)      (0.05 point)

Choisir la réponse correcte de la liste

Ton Score

Say if the following sentences are true or false according to the text: (2 points)

  1. The Exxon Valdez was wrecked  in the early 1980s.**** 
  2. The U.S.A had already experienced such a disaster.****
  3. They found no difficulty in cleaning the area affected by the spill.****
  4. Many animal species were threatened by the oil spill.****
Answer the following questions according to the text:  (3.5pts) a- Where did the accident of the Exxon Valdez happen? b-Why was the oil spill considered the largest in the U.S history? c- Why did the US authorities have to make tremendous efforts to decontaminate the area? d-Which sector of economy was threatened by the oil spill?
مجموع نقطي في التمارين : ‎ None نقطة
  • إختبارات
  • 9
  • الأجوبة الصحيحة
  • False
  • الأجوبة الخاطئة
  • False
  • مجموع النقاط
  • False

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قم بالدخول للإطلاع على المزيد من المحتوى

لتتمكن من الوصول إلى جميع الدروس والتمارين والمسابقات والفيديوهات وتصفح الموقع براحة قم بالدخول أو بتسجيل حساب مجانا.

قم بالدخول للإطلاع على المزيد من المحتوى

لتتمكن من الوصول إلى جميع الدروس والتمارين والمسابقات والفيديوهات وتصفح الموقع براحة قم بالدخول أو بتسجيل حساب مجانا.