Exam 2
At 2.46pm on March 11, Japan was hit by one of the most powerful earthquakes in recorded history. The disaster left more than 27,000 people dead or missing, including foreign citizens. We are now making massive efforts to restore people’s livelihoods and to recover from the series of tragedies that followed the great East Japan earthquake.
We have been strongly supported in this endeavour by the international community and our friends around the world. On behalf of the Japanese people, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for the outpouring of support and solidarity we have received from over 130 countries, nearly 40 international organisations, numerous NGOs, and countless individuals from all parts of the world. The Japanese people deeply appreciate the kizuna (a Japanese word for “bonds of friendship”) that has been shown to us by our friends overseas. Through this hardship, we have also come to truly understand the meaning of the adage “a friend in need is a friend indeed”.
I ask my government to verify the cause of the incident of Fukushima nuclear plant, and share all information with the rest of the world in order to prevent similar accidents occurring again. I would like, through Japan’s struggles, to present a clear vision to the entire world, that may contribute to solving global energy issues.
By Naoto Kan, the prime minister of Japan,6:50 am, 29 Apr 2011, on the Japanese television channels .
Choisir la réponse correcte de la liste
Circle the correct answer **** (1pt)
Choisir la réponse correcte de la liste
say if the following statements are true or false (2 points)
a)- The death toll exceeds 27,000 people .****
b)- Kizuna means earthquake in the Japanese language.****
c)- All the victims were Japanese.****
d)- Naoto kan is blaming the world for not offering aids to his country .****
Answer the following questions according to the text. (3 pts)
- When did the earthquake happen?
- Who supported the Japanese in the disaster?
- What does the Japanese Prime Minister ask his government to do? Why?
A) It happened on March 11th ,2011.
B) The international community supported the Japanese in the disaster.
B) Over 130 countries, nearly 40 international organisations, numerous NGOs, and countless individuals from all parts of the world.
C) The Japanese Prime Minister asked his government to verify the cause of the incident of Fukushima nuclear plant, and share all information with the rest of the world in order to prevent similar accidents occurring again.
In which paragraph is it mentioned that the Japanese are thankful to those who helped them in their tragedy?(0.5pt)
“The Japanese are thankful to those who helped them in their tragedy”. This is mentioned in paragraph two. (0.5pt)
Give a title to the text. (1pt)
Possible title: The Japanese Prime Minister Statement
Cliquer et glisser les réponses dans les cases correspondantes parmi les mots possibles ci-dessous
Find in the text the words that have the closest meaning to the following: (0.5pt.)
- comprehend(2§)
- alike(3§)
Remplir les vides
Find in the text the words that have the opposite meaning to the following: (0.5 pt.)
- weak(1§)=
- detest(2 §) =
Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (1 pt.)
a) They just(to notice) …………………………..now how urgent is the situation .
b) A donation of $2million ( be/send)……………………. by the Algerian government, a month ago.
a) They have just noticed now how urgent is the situation .
b) A donation of $2million was sent by the Algerian government, a month ago.
Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the one given: (3 pts.)
a1) - They should ask for other countries’ help .
a2) - They’d better……………………
b1) -“ Where did the catastrophe happen?” she asked.
b2) -She asked .………………………...
c1).-“Be always ready to assist the needy”, my parents told me.
C2) -My parents advised me ………………………………………………
a1) - They should ask for other countries’ help .
a2) - They’d better ask for other countries’ help.
b1) -“ Where did the catastrophe happen?” she asked.
b2) -She asked where the catastrophe happened.
c1).-“Be always ready to assist the needy”, my parents told me.
C2) -My parents advised me to be always ready to assist the needy.
Ask the question about the underlined words:
An anonymous donator has offered a big amount of money.
What has an anonymous donator done?
Remplir les vides
Fill in the gaps using the words below: (1 pt.)
promote _ solidarity _ learnt _ . peoples
The most significant lesson we have from the disasters is that they charity spirit andamong theand the governments of the world.
Circle the silent letters of the following words: (1pt)
Hour– drought – handbag – sign
Hour– drought – handbag – sign
Use the given notes to write a composition in which you explain that we can help people in need in many different ways.
_ moral support _ giving advice _ physical effort _offering shelter _ volunteering in charitable associations _ Not only money gifts _ donating organs _ raising people’s consciousness about charity and solidarity._ being thoughtful.
Solidarity between people of the same country or different countries is demonstrated in different events.
Most of the time people donate clothes, food and medicines to the Red Crescent or the Red Cross to help poor people. There are also associations that are called charities whose role is to raise funds and use them to build schools and shelters for the needy. There are also charities whose members volunteer to support the sick and medical research. Many people donate not only money gifts but also organs
The whole world expresses its solidarity in the event of a devastating earthquake just like the one that happened in Japan in 2011 or in Nepal in 2013.Nations forget their political conflicts and send their best rescue teams and all kinds of aid.
All in all ,solidarity is a wonderful bond between humans .They all become one when they badly need one another in worst times. Therefore ,solidarity is the best policy to adopt for a better world.
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